
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

What You Need To Understand About Oklahoma Hospice Care

By Anna Sanders

The end of life is a difficult process for many. Instead of a peaceful passing, those dying, and their loved ones, experience pain, sadness, and discouragement. It is a time when people can feel most alone, but it is important to know that compassionate and understanding professionals are available whenever and wherever they are needed. Organizations like Oklahoma hospice care can make a loved one's last days easier and pain free.

Individuals and family members have a lot of questions at this time. A common question is when discussing this subject is appropriate. It will never be easy for loved ones, but discussing the wants and needs of the individual is much better done in advance. This will be one decision already made and out of the way when the patient's final stage of life comes.

In order to begin the process someone within the family must request it. Once the agency receives a request it can be processed in forty-eight hours. A representative will meet with the individual and the family within that time frame. Depending on the severity of the situation, it is possible to initiate the process sooner than the normal forty-eight hour time period.

Patients will have a team working for and with them. The team usually includes at least one registered nurse, a social worker, a volunteer, a home health worker, and a chaplain. These professionals work with the individual and loved ones putting a plan in place that will fit the specific needs of the patient. The staff has a number of clients it has to divide its time between. Nurses will have at least a dozen patients. Social workers usually have a double workload.

When illness reaches its final stages there can be a lot of pain involved. The palliative assistance staff is trained to keep the patient as pain free and comfortable as possible. They work with the physicians to ensure they clearly understand the medications, therapies, and procedures necessary to achieve the desired results. The staff meets regularly with physicians to go over any changes or modifications to the original treatments.

The staff can serve patients wherever they are. It is not necessary to be a patient in a hospital to receive the care. Workers are called to nursing facilities and other long term homes to assist patients living there. There are agreements in place between the service and the facilities allowing workers to come and go freely while administering to patients.

Sometimes patients need the kind of professional care their families can't give them at home. In these cases, inpatient residential centers and freestanding hospice houses are always an option. Neither Medicare nor Medicaid cover the cost of these institutions. It can be a good idea to investigate the kinds of insurance policies that will cover these costs well before they are needed.

The last of life can be challenging. For some it is painful, prolonged, and messy. There are resources available to patients and families that can help make this transition more bearable.

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