
Saturday, July 21, 2018

These Fixes For Brittleness Are Recommended By Nail Salons In Charlotte NC

By Catherine Hill

Having brittle nails can keep you from getting your regular dose of manicure and pedicure. That's because these treatments can actually make things worse. At home, there are some things that you may do that are suggested by nail salons in Charlotte NC. Doing them on a regular basis can help deal with brittleness safely and effectively.

Get those nails soaked in apple cider vinegar that's diluted with water. Grab a small bowl and combine equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar. Use the mixture as a soaking solution for about 15 minutes. For excellent results, perform this home remedy every single day or every other day. Refrain from using undiluted apple cider vinegar.

Mix olive oil and lemon juice. Combine 3 teaspoons olive oil and 1 teaspoon water. Afterwards, the resulting mixture should be applied on your nails. Let it stay in place for up to 20 minutes. For best results, experts suggest that you use the microwave for making the mixture warm. See to it that it's not burning hot before applying.

Use petroleum jelly for keeping moisture around. Massage a small amount of petroleum jelly on your nails and around them, too, many times a day. This can help ward off breakage by retaining moisture. Carry out this home remedy for brittleness after taking a bath, washing your face or doing any other task that involves contact with water.

Stay properly hydrated. Whether or not you are suffering from brittleness, see to it that you are drinking about 2 liters of water every single day to keep your body hydrated. Nails that are prone to breaking or chipping can benefit a lot if they are provided with much needed moisture from within the body and also externally.

Remember to wear rubber or latex gloves. See to it that you save your nails from always coming into contact with laundry detergent as well as other household cleaning products with harsh chemicals. Remember to don a pair of either rubber or latex gloves prior to carrying out household tasks involving strong cleaning products.

Consume foods that contain biotin. Make sure that your regular diet consists of foods that are rich in biotin. Experts say that biotin is important for keeping your nails strong and healthy. Some wonderful examples of biotin rich foods include milk, cheese, eggs, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms and almonds.

Try taking biotin supplements. A bottle of biotin can be easily purchased from a local health food store. The said supplement is especially geared towards people who want to achieve nail perfection. However, make sure that you tell your doctor about your plan on taking biotin supplements especially if you have an existing medical condition.

Treat an infection right away. In some instances, brittleness is the complication of a nail fungal infection. Such kind of problem can be remedied at home simply by rubbing onion or garlic on the affected areas 2 to 3 times daily. The fungal infection can also be treated naturally with the regular application of diluted tea tree essential oil.

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