
Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Need For Frequent Screening For Glaucoma San Antonio TX

By Anthony Lewis

Glaucoma is a progressive disease that can cause damage to your optic nerve and result in blindness unless it is treated. Screening for this condition is extremely important to prevent damage to your vision. Factors that contribute to the risk are family history, thin corneas, poor circulation, hypertension, diabetes, increased eye pressure, eye injury, and age. You don't want to risk losing your precious eyesight so getting screened at the glaucoma San Antonio TX on a regular basis is critically important. If your eye doctor finds the condition during the screening it is important to get treatment promptly.

If you are over the age of 45, it is crucial that you visit an eye clinic in San Antonio TX once a year to make sure your eyes are still healthy. There is a reason why this condition is also known as the "sneak thief of sight", your optic nerve could be damaged at the moment and you wouldn't know about it. Rather play it safe and remember, if found early enough, the condition is treatable.

Moreover, its frequency increases greatly with age. The drainage canals become clogged over time causing internal pressure within the eye. The resulting loss of vision starts peripherally, which most people do not notice until the loss encroaches on their central visual area.

There are different types with symptoms ranging from no symptoms to blurred vision, eye pain, headaches, rainbow halos around lights up to and including nausea and vomiting. If you have any of these symptoms contact your eye doctor and schedule a Glaucoma screening test in San Antonio Texas. Your eye care professional can perform a simple screening test to detect the condition even in its early stages. If you have a history of this condition in your family you need to begin screening in your 20's.

In the early stages of the disease, there are no symptoms, no pain and no sign of deteriorating vision. Open-angle glaucoma is generally diagnosed once vision problems start happening. Without treatment for symptoms, the condition can progress to total blindness. It cannot be cured, but with careful medical care it can be controlled, symptoms can be reduced and vision can be supported.

Normal tension glaucoma is usually treated by reducing the eye pressure as low as possible using medications, laser treatment or conventional surgery. 20% of patients suffer from this form of the disease.

If you have had a serious eye injury you need to be examined at the time of injury and each year after the injury. Everyone should have eye screening in their 50s and then follow your eye doctor's recommendation for subsequent screening. If your eye doctor sees signs of the condition you may be advised to have additional tests or more frequent follow-ups.

In some cases, symptoms such as tearing, discomfort, feeling that the patient "feels their eyes." Decreased vision is perceived by the patient in very advanced stages of the disease when the optic nerve is already very affected. Narrow or closed angle glaucoma has an acute onset with pain, very strong in the eye and around it. It can also be accompanied by pain in "half head", red eye and decreased vision.

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