
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Some Info Before Visiting A French Bulldog Breeder WA

By Jerry Long

Many people these days are acquiring canines, or dogs, as pets and companions. Many are choosing the French bulldog and you probably have a mind to getting this breed now that you live in Seattle WA. Thus before you do go and visit the closest French bulldog breeder WA, then please do finish this article for some information that may be useful for you.

This breed is popularly called frenchie in short, and when compared to the English bulldog, the frenchie is definitely much smaller. It has a rounder and more compact body with smaller legs, while it also sports a more bat like appearance due to its ears that are always erect.

In terms of how people view its overall energy level, they usually rate it as a medium in terms of activity and rambunctiousness. Despite this fairly high energy rating, this breed is also quite content just lazing around and not moving like its English counterpart. Thus one can say it may be a candidate as one of the more perfect indoor dogs, as you can keep it in small living spaces as what you would find in urban residential settings. Despite this however, do make sure it gets at least a thirty minute walk everyday.

Will have its share of medical complications foremost of which is its inability to regulate its inner core temperature. This is because it has a very compact airway due to its physical size as well as this being coupled with a pug nose. It will not do for you to keep it in climates that are on the extreme level of the spectrum such as tropical or sub arctic climates or it will die. It is best for owners to keep it in areas with a temperate climate.

In terms of lifespan it is quite short lived in terms of years, averaging only about 8 to 10 years. However, with the proper care and maintenance plus nutrition advice from you vet, you make be able to eke out a few more years. Also take note that as it ages, it will develop eye cataracts that you must attend to immediately.

It is according to owners of this breed an attention monger extreme. It craves more than one hundred per cent of your attention at all times and if it is disappointed it will let out a fairly horrible ululating sound which has come to be known as a French Death Yodel. Thus be prepared to give this dog a lot of attention if your heart is really intent on it.

The frenchie is quite safe to keep around children and other animals or even dogs. This is because it lacks the typical alpha behavior present in most bulldogs, particularly the English variety. It surprisingly exhibits a more maternal and protective demeanor over those that it cares for.

Once you do decide on visiting any of the breeders in the area, do make sure to make an ocular inspection of facilities when you are there. The animals that they keep must be well cared for, and glean any initial conversations to see if they really care for their animals rather than just breed them for profit.

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