As I sit here and prepare to write, I already know this is going to be a controversial article, but what is life without a little bit of controversy? During a lifetime, many people wonder why a lot of their relationships don't work out long-term. They gave their all, and put their heart and soul into it, just to wind up all alone, exhausted, and having to start all over yet again. The truth of the matter is that's how it's supposed to be, because 99 percent of all relationships will fail. However... they all will succeed.
I can only imagine the look on your face as you read that. Yes, 99 percent of all relationships fail.... By me stating that doesn't mean that I am shallow and don't think a relationship can work, because it can, but the question is... For how long?
Relationships are not designed to be a lifetime love nest where you live happily ever after. They are designed to teach you something. In the process of learning, love may come, love may stay, and love may go. But regardless of how it turns out, the odds are already stacked against you. When you meet someone, there's a 99 percent that the relationship will fail.
Think back to that first love. For some, those were good memories. Now my question is: Where is that person now? Let's be honest. How many people do you know that is with the very first person they fell in love with? Most people have been with quite a few people since then. However, there are the few who are still with that same person, which leaves me to my previous question: For how long? There have been many people who have been married for over 25 years and yes, that is a special thing, but that doesn't mean that they were meant be together. It could mean that over the years, they just got used to one another and just accepted the things for what they were. If that's the case, that relationship is not a success. Neither one of them are really happy, they just conformed to something they accepted. There are also been people who've been married over 25 years, and divorced. But on the flip side, there is that 1 percent of those who are happy and deeply in love, and will live happily ever after.
When you are older, you are usually tired of the games and are ready to settle down and meet that special someone, but that's not going to always happen. You go on date after date and wonder why you haven't met "the one" and start to wonder if something is wrong with you. That's when the prayers to God start to happen. And it will seem, the more you pray, the more failures you have.
If you are in a bad relationship now, ask yourself why? How long have you been in the relationship? Lastly, why are you still there? If someone else asks you this, and when you answer and get the "deer in the headlight" look, it's usually because your answers only make sense to you and no one else. You are trying to make something work that's not supposed to work.
Every person that you meet and establish a relationship with is not someone you should be with for the long-term. Every person comes into your lives for a particular reason. The problem arises when you try to take that temporary person and make him or her permanent. One person you come in contact with only purpose may be just to teach you one thing and when you are taught, his job is done. However, a problem occurs you keep him around and go through unnecessary pain and stress because now you don't want to let him go realizing you have developed that damn thing called love, but not realizing you will meet other people who will teach you other things. Some will teach you how to love, how to feel pain, how to recover, and how to be strong, just to name a few. You will also meet people who are not meant for you, but are meant for your child, your friend, or some other loved one. Regardless of the reason, everyone has their own special purpose in your life, but you alter it when you ignore all the negative signs, and try to make it more than what it is meant to be.
Life will take you though many twists and turns. On some of those turns, you should go left instead of right, which will take you down a different path that may not have been intended for you at that moment. But, regardless of where it leads you, it will definitely lead you to a relationship. And, 99 percent of the time, the relationship will fail, but... the purpose of the relationship will always succeed.
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